Building Boards Level 2

Calling all Board Members! Whether you’re new to non-profit board governance, new to a housing-focused organization, or experienced in both, this custom-designed training for the non-profit housing sector in Manitoba is for you.

The course covers foundational topics of board governance and includes tools that participants can put to use in their own organization. It is a self-directed online course that should take 4-5 hours to complete, with videos, reading, and supplementary materials.

We encourage all new members of boards of directors to join this training program, and each organization to have a minimum of two members who have completed both levels.

Trainer: Rolande Kirouac, High Achievement Training


  • $95 + GST for the first participant of a MNPHA Member organization
  • $45 + GST for each additional attendee of a MNPHA Member organization
  • $120+ GST for each non-member
  • $200+ GST for unlimited registration for a Board – yes, your whole Board can join!

The Building Boards Program is offered with the financial support from the Winnipeg Foundation and Assiniboine Credit Union.


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