CHRA has written the Minister responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and the Minister of Indiginous and Northern Affairs, with 2 sets of documents related to the release of the National Housing Strategy this fall. The first document contains recommendations related to the housing-related programs and announcements contained in the 2017 federal Budget unveiled in March. Although many of the programs announced in the 2017 Budget closely align with CHRA’s own recommendations in our October 2016 National Housing Strategy submission, there remain many outstanding questions and details to address. The intent of this document is to provide the federal government with recommendations on how to implement these programs.
The second document is intended to serve as a policy framework for a distinct urban and rural Indigenous housing strategy. This document was produced with the input of the Indigenous Caucus during its meeting in Halifax in early May, and with the oversight of the CHRA Indigenous Caucus Working Group. It is CHRA’s position that there cannot be a National Housing Strategy without an Indigenous Housing Strategy; this document contains objectives and specific ideas that CHRA believes should form the basis for that Indigenous Housing Strategy.
To learn more and download copies of these reports (available in English and French), click HERE
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