1. Manitoba is now leading coordination related to ending homelessness. All departments, and all programs funded by government related to homelessness, will be expected to work towards the same objectives.

  1. New housing, including permanent and transitional housing with on site supports, will be created through new developments or purchasing units. It is anticipated that non-profit organizations will be the ones owning and/or managing these projects. While there is some existing supportive housing in Manitoba, this strategy will create a major expansion in this type of urgently needed housing in the province for people who have higher support needs than independent living can provide.

  1. Manitoba Housing will embrace its role in housing those exiting homelessness, and create the program model to make it successful. Implementing this will mean redesigning Manitoba Housing’s policies, programs, partnerships, and staffing models.

  1. To create space within Manitoba Housing for people who will be supported by the new housing first model, tenants who do not need additional supports but for whom affordability is the primary need, will be supported to move into non-profit or private sector housing through rent supplement agreements. If there are issues with the Rent Supplement program, either in terms of administration or the maximum amounts, please reach out to MNPHA and we can work together to strengthen this program for the future.

  1. Frontline staff will be necessary to the success of the strategy. The strategy recognizes this and speaks to the need to recruit, train, and retain frontline staff. It is not yet clear what this will mean for resources for organizations that have been struggling with year-to-year funding agreements, lack of increases to budgets for wages or training, or other staffing issues impacting the community housing sector. However, it indicates an opportunity to work together to address these issues.