Tim Haugue Sr. will be the keynote speaker at the 2017 Building Partnerships ConferenceIf the face looks familiar, you are likely a fan of TV reality show “The Amazing Race Canada”. Tim Hague Sr., who partnered with his son to win the inaugural season of The Amazing Race Canada, has been confirmed as the keynote speaker for the 2017 Building Partnerships Conference.

Tim’s story, though, is much more than that of his success on television. At age 46, two years prior to his participation in the Amazing Race Canada, Tim was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Tim’s unique history as a retired Nurse, Entrepreneur, Parkinson’s Advocate and Patient provides rich insight to his message.

As a motivational speaker, Tim now relives not only the experience of the race but also his personal experiences with the sense of loss and fear but more importantly, the hope and determination to persevere.

A masterful story teller Tim interlaces humour and wit with sadness and despair. He guides his listeners on a journey of discovery by unpacking what it means to Live Your Best. He explores the themes of;

  • Simplicity: the art of focusing your life in a chaotic world
  • Contentment: that often illusive gift of peacefully accepting what your best produces.
  • Community: building that network of relationships who support you and your dreams.
  • Perseverance: the iron will to continue on even when there is no evidence that you will ever be succesful.

Tim’s story is one that empowers others to more than they ever thought they could. Audiences come away with a truer sense of what real strength and courage is and a better understanding of how to face life’s challenges and succeed.

MNPHA is excited to have Tim as our keynote speaker at our annual conference. The conference will be held November 22-23 at the Victoria Inn Conference Centre, Winnipeg.