MNPHA is the recipient of a $2.56 million fund from the Manitoba government dedicated to undertaking projects in Manitoba over the next two years with community partners that will help transition homeless people into stable housing environments.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has put people experiencing homelessness at even greater risk and we know the importance of permanent housing solutions,” said Minister Squires. “We have also learned that simply housing individuals who have experienced homelessness is not enough. Additional layers of wrap-around supports for individuals and families will be provided to give them much better chances of success, and this investment will enable the MNPHA to deliver those supports.”

MNPHA will be reaching out to members and community partners to discuss potential initiatives to:

  • Develop and support partnerships between non-profit housing organizations and homelessness support organizations to provide support for tenants within non-profit and Manitoba Housing units
  • Enhance existing supports that non-profits have to make their building more available and tenancies more stable for those who need additional supports
  • Fill gaps in eviction prevention and housing supports across the province

Funding will then be delivered through a call for proposals process.

“While housing is foundational to addressing homelessness, sometimes additional supports are needed so people not only stay housed, but achieve their goals and thrive,” said Christina Maes Nino, executive director, Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association. “This announcement will help reinforce the safety net our members provide to Manitobans who have been marginalized and face the most barriers in finding and maintaining housing.”

For the full press release please visit the Manitoba government website:

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