The MNPHA team visited non-profit housing providers in Manitoba’s Parkland region in July. Non-profits in the region include:

  • Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre Housing, recently took on management of all of the Manitoba Housing in the Swan Valley region. They tripled in size and have been able to provide more community-based responses and services to tenants.
  • Sagemace Housing Inc. has sponsor management agreements for housing in Camperville, MB. The municipality is very involved and supportive of ensuring housing is supporting residents and the economic/social goals of the community. Mayor Sonny Klyne is Board President (and on MNPHA’s Board of Directors)
  • Canadian Mental Health Association Parkland Region has Echo Housing – transitional housing for people experiencing and at risk of homelessness, as well as family housing. The CMHA provides some of the only housing for single individuals in a community struggling with a homelessness crisis.
  • Parkland Mental Health Housing is a small but mighty organization, with board members from its sister organizations (CMHA and Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre Housing) in Swan Valley because the community knows how essential non-profit housing is for people experiencing mental health challenges and are keen to be involved and support it.

Folks from the region talked about the importance of networking and receiving support and connection with their fellow housing providers in Manitoba. MNPHA staff are looking forward to meeting with more of our members as it becomes safer to see people in person and learn more about your successes and challenges.