End of Operating Agreement Resources

Webinar on Block Funding with Manitoba Housing

Since a proposed new funding model for social housing was announced, MNPHA initiated a webinar with Manitoba Housing so those with expiring/expired operating agreements get the information they need. At this time, the intent is to share information about the proposed model and determine the level of interest on the part of non-profit housing providers to enter into a new funding agreement on this basis.

Manitoba Housing is establishing a block funding model designed to provide predictable and flexible funding to the non-profit sector. The funding is available to housing projects who have already come off their original agreements, with a priority for those with agreements expiring this year and 100% RGI units. Up to $1.4 million has been allocated toward these new agreements in 2023/24, and depending on uptake, will make additional funding available in future years. To see the power point presentation click here

If you have further questions contact the Portfolio Management Branch at 204-945-4661 or e-mail [email protected]

Addressing the Expiry Challenge

Research Report by Steve Pomeroy of Focus Consulting on Manitoba’s Post-85 Operating Agreement challenges and opportunities. Download it here

Download a presentation summarizing it here.

Watch a video presentation on the report and its impacts, below:

MNPHA Planning Guide

We are pleased to release the Expiry of Operating Agreements: A Planning Guide f or Manitoba’s Non-Profit Housing Providers. The guide was created by the Institute of Urban Studies based on feedback from our members on what would be most valuable to help them through the process of their operating agreement ending. It is full of case studies, ideas, resources, and has outlines a step-by-step process for those nearing the end of their operating agreement. Download the guide here