Special offers exclusively available to MNPHA members:

Appliance Offers


MNPHA has partnered with Canadian Appliance Source (CAS) to get preferred rates for her members. To take advantage of this discount,


  1. MNPHA Members can go to any CAS location with the Digital Card. The digital card will be sent in our member newsletter or you can send an email to [email protected] to get a copy of the Digital Card.
  2. You can call and place your order and again mention “MNPHA TIP Program”, 1-877-374-3439
  3. Members can email their request to Vishu Wali, ([email protected] ), again mentioning they are a Member of, “MNPHA TIP Program”



Events & Entertainment Offers


The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra is offering MNPHA members 15% off all tickets to any of their shows within the Classics or Live at the WSO series, including matinee performances, for the 2024/25 season.

For the Promo code, please send an email to [email protected]


Learning and Mentorship Opportunities


MNPHA created a new program to provide those who are new to the non-profit housing sector the opportunity to connect, get involved and get the tool set they need to succeed. The program is open to those who have been in the housing sector for 5 years or less, and who are working at a MNPHA member organization. Space is limited, apply by December 1 2024 to participate in the program starting in January 2025.


Office Supplies


Staples Business Advantage™ is Staples’ commercial division. MNPHA members enjoy discounts up to 50% and easy online ordering.

Learn more

Maintenance & Renovation Products


HD Supply is a wholesaler of maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) supplies. MNPHA members enjoy discounts up to 20% on the 50 most popular items and 5% off wholesale catalogue prices.

Learn more

Dulux Paints offers to MNPHA members up to 60% discount of their most popular items, 10% off all non-listed tools and applicators, and free delivery with orders of 10 gallons within Winnipeg and 48 gallons within 300 kilometers of Winnipeg.

Learn more

Elevator Service

ThyssenKrupp Elevator offers 15% off all parts and equipment, 15% off all labour rates, and 10% off Destination Dispatch systems for MNPHA members.

Learn more

Employee Benefits and HR Services


The MNPHA has decided to end its group health benefits program due to lack of interest from Members. However,  People Corporation remains our preferred partner to provide a employee benefits and wellness program. An employee benefits program is an excellent way to attract and retain employees while improving the overall compensation package for your organization.

Learn more about plan designs available and what information is required to provide pricing…

MNPHA has partnered with People First to provide discounted access to on-call Human Resource Services. From helping you navigate legislated workplace requirements, to assisting with employee development, enjoy peace of mind knowing you have support for HR issues of any size or complexity.

HR @ Your Service offers flexibility, dependability, and affordability for organizations regardless of the number of employees.

Learn more, including prices, examples of common questions that HR @ Your Service can help with, and how to sign up…

Assiniboine Credit Union Membership Special Offer


Tenants and employees of MNPHA Member organizations can receive special offer discounts on a new account with Assiniboine Credit Union, including no monthly fee for one year.

More information…

Become a Deals Partner

To learn more about becoming a Deals partner, contact us at [email protected]